Grease those palms…

 At the park I am always watching what kids are eating because people really just don’t seem to “get it” when it comes to healthy eating and why we have such a high rate of childhood obesity. I am always surprised (you would think I would be used to it by now), when I see people eating hamburgers, french fries and milkshakes from fast food restaurants between the hours of 9 :00—10:00a.m. I’m not suggesting that it’s any better over the noon or dinner hours but that early morning snack could most certainly benefit everyone with fewer enriched white buns, greasy French fries and all of that fat and salt.

I think the most shocking was when I witnessed two Grandmothers at the park with their Grandchildren. They must have gone “snack” shopping together or, pillaged their cupboards at home to come up with this winner. They each brought a bag of Chipits. One was chocolate chips and the other was butterscotch chips. Why not just spread maple syrup on the palms of your Granny hands and let the kids come up for a lick every few minutes?

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