
Yesterday, Greg and I went to the funeral of a dear friend’s mother.

It was a very sad occasion and the past couple of years have been very trying on the family given the declining health of a wonderful woman.

I realized a few things during the church service.

  1. I don’t have a huge family and I only really know about 10 people. I have a lot of acquaintances but I could probably count my very close friends on one hand and those friends’ parents on the other. What I’m saying is I could not fill a church to standing room only given my current social status.
  2. The average person (if I was in fact surrounded by average people) knows the tune and lyrics to random hymns sung in a church. Regardless of whether they have the words in front of them or not, they know when to emphasize the word “follow” to sound like “fa….ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-fo-ll-ow him” whereas I just belt out “follow” followed by a fake cough to fill in the “ah-ah-ah” part and then I stop singing altogether while being hypnotized by the photo of the lighthouse with the wooden path on the front of the program.
  3. These same people can also identify words like “pilar” that I might pronounce “pillar” but they would instinctively know was pronounced “pee-lash” which when sung sounds nothing like pillar. I coughed a lot after that one.
  4. The Lord’s prayer when sung is totally unrecognizable. Yesterday a woman sang the Lord’s prayer as an opera. She had a beautiful, soprano voice and I actually knew all of the words but there was no way I could have joined in because I would have required vocal cord surgery had I tried to hit even one of the notes.
  5. I really love a good tea sandwich.
  6. Work, trivial things we fill our days with, things that consume us with worry don’t mean a thing.

 Spend your life surrounded by people you love, doing things you love and when you are able, volunteer your time helping a friend in need.

 Oh, and learn to read music. That just makes good sense.

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