Baby Talk….

I had forgotten what it was like to be able to speak baby.

I remember being able to communicate with my kids when they were babies and wondered if the rest of the world thought it was some crazy parent-child connection when a baby would need something and a Mom or Dad instinctively jumped up and knew the baby was either hungry, tired or needed a diaper change.

Chances are, it was one of those three things and parents become used to those subtly different cues from their babies, informing them which of the three they require most.

Yesterday at Chloe’s soccer game, I heard a two year old say to his Mom, “Gerk smer. Gerk smer. Gerk smer?” and the Mom replied, “Macaroni.”

Yep, he wanted macaroni.

Then at the grocery store, a tot sitting in the top of the cart was “talking” to her Mom. She said, “dith, dith, dith, dith, dith, dith, dith, dith, dith, dith, dith, dith, dith, dith” about fifty times.

The Mom said, “Here’s your rice cracker.”

Problem solved.

I had forgotten about this unique ability we have as new parents. It’s a skill that either fades overtime or disappears entirely on your child’s fifth birthday.

Last night, Chloe asked, “Daddy, can we have some chips with our movie?”

Greg replied, “Sorry Chloe, we’re not getting a jet-ski.”

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