Digi Bird Victory….

Greg came inside after a swim with Chloe and couldn’t wait to share the exciting news.

This summer, Chloe has come a long way in the pool, getting more comfortable spending time in the deep end and diving down to the bottom of the shallow end to pick up rings, toys and when we’re lucky–hair balls.

The amount of effort it takes her small body to dive under the water is fun to watch.

She can hold her breath for a good amount of time and has no fear of the water. The hard part for her is submerging all the way to the bottom. There’s something about the amount of air in her lungs (I assume this is kept in a secret lung-duct as she wants to be ready with a quick come back at a second’s notice) that prevents her from reaching the bottom of the pool.

She kicks while in a handstand position and propels herself forward with her arms but never makes it beyond about two inches under the water before finally having to come up for air and of course, a classic, Chloe zinger.

So the other night, Greg made Chloe a bet he knew she couldn’t win.

He suggested that if Chloe dove down to the bottom of the deep end and touched the filter in the middle, a mere ten feet down, she would earn herself the coveted Digi Bird toy we have been hearing about since show and two Kindergarten semesters ago.

Before she could straighten her goggles, she rocket-dove to the bottom, smacked the filter and surfaced with a giant smile on her face.

Greg had no time to congratulate her with a high five as she came up only long enough for a breath of air so she could dive down a second time.

He asked her why she felt like she had to do it twice and she replied, “Digi bird needs a cage.”

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