I’ve Got The Power….

Last night we lost power in our house for just shy of two hours.

It’s amazing how quickly we turn to remotes and light switches the minute we know we can’t have them.

The second the power started to flicker, I dove for the freezer and started to eat as much ice cream as possible before it all thawed because wouldn’t it be a shame if that tub of maple walnut ice cream softened to the point no cone would have it?
When we lose power, we also lose water because we are on a well. And while wells are wonderful for so many reasons; making wishes and tossing coins, yep, that’s pretty much it.

I reminded Chloe not to flush the toilet while she was……”Ooooops! Sorry Mom.”

Even though it was light outside and Chloe and I were playing a card game with intermittent stops to admire a puzzle she had finished three days earlier that had yet to be put back in the cupboard, we felt an insatiable need to use electricity.

“Who wants to watch the garage door open and close?”

“Who wants to make a phone call?”

“Who wants dry their hair?”

“Who wants to vacuum something?”

Two hours seems to be our family’s breaking point.

While Chloe finished the last of the frozen meats, I packed the car to move to a crisis centre.

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