Mom, How Old Are You?…

Last night, Chloe came up with the best way to stall before bed.

“Mom, do you want to hear me count to ninety-nine?”

Yep. I can’t think of anything I would rather hear.

“One, two, three, four……fifteen, seventeen, sixty-eight….” etc.

That was the highlight of my day, Chloe.

“Mom, how old are you?”

I’m forty. Do you remember my big birthday in the summer?

“Sort of. Can you count to forty for me?”

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight………………………forty.”

Chloe looked at me, yawned and said, “Mommy, next time you count to forty, can you count by two’s because that took way too long. You are a lot of numbers old.”

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