10 Things You Need To Know About Raising A Daughter

I just read this headline, “10 Things You Need To Know About Raising A Daughter.”

 Raising three daughters, I wondered if any of the following would be on there.

  1. Your six year old will come home from school one day and announce, “Mom, I have a new collection. It’s ball skins.”
  2. The same daughter will emerge from the school doors and pull a beet covered in dirt from the front pocket of her knapsack as though she was picking its roots from the rich soil growing from within the vegetable garden inside her bag.
  3. Your two year old daughter will ask you if you are good or bad and when you explain that you always try to be good, she will reply, “You’re bad and I’m bad. That makes two bads so, too bad.”
  4. The two year old will also tell you the police are going to come and take you away……foreva. She will do this regularly to keep you on your toes and constantly looking over your shoulder.
  5. Your six year old will polish her rubber boots with leather polish while asking you if she can teach you this rather challenging exercise called a “plunge” where you stand with one leg bent in front of the other and lower to the ground as far as you can go.
  6. Your nine year old will tell you en route to the Halloween store that she wants to be a Cowgirl and on the way home that she’s really looking forward to dressing up like a rock star.
  7. Your two year old will ask you if she can hold your smart phone “just for a minute” followed by a series of super cute, “Pweeze, pweeze, pweeze, pweeze, pweeze?” with the promise she will not drop it. Fooled me thrice.
  8. Your two year old daughter will mistake the polka dots on her bed sheets for multi-coloured spiders in the middle of the night and wake the entire family to prove her theory.
  9. When you tell your daughters you would like them to bring home empty fruit and vegetable containers from their school lunches after weeks of returning them full, never question where the fruits and vegetables have gone. Your wording, your problem.
  10. When dressing your nine year old daughter, less is more. When dressing your six year old daughter, more is more. When dressing your two year old daughter, well, let me know if you have any tricks.

Any or all of these things you need to know about raising a daughter could hit you in the same 24 hour period. It’s not the end of the world. I really like beets.

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