Opposite Day….

Sometimes just for fun because my kids know what a good sport I am, they ask for exactly the opposite of whatever it is I’ve just offered.

While in the bathtub, “Mom, could I have a cloth?”

Handing them a cloth.

“Could it be a dry cloth?”

While wiping off the table at dinner, “Mom, could I have a paper towel?”

Handing them a dry paper towel.

“Could it be a wet paper towel?”

While colouring at the table, “Mom could I have something to colour with?”

Handing them the markers.

“Could you get me the pencil crayons instead?”

“Mom could I have something to drink?”

Handing them a glass of milk, “Could it be orange juice?”

Handing them orange juice.

“Could it be orange juice without feathers?” (pulp)

“Mom could I have the purple soap instead of the blue?”

“Mom could you get me my trike, no wait, my wagon, no, my skipping rope?”

Finally, at the end of the day when teeth were brushed, bedtime stories were read, all three kids were tucked into their beds, I heard a quiet voice ask, “Mommy, could you crawl into bed with me for a couple while?” I thought to myself, this is all worth it. Somebody notices all that I do for them all day long and life is perfect just the way it is.

I climbed in next to my two year old and she snuggled very close to my face. We were nose to nose when she said, “Mommy, could you lay on the other side?”

Opposite day.

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