Smokey The Hair….

About two weeks ago, my hair dryer started to show signs of distress.

This process of denying it’s broken and me getting around to replacing it generally takes about two weeks.

During the first week, the scent of burning rubber mixed with sautéed hair balls starts to permeate throughout the bathroom and I just wave the fog out of my way so I can see what I’m doing, pretending it’s not really there.

Next, a clear (ish) smoke coupled with a stronger, more disturbing, should-I-be-doing-something-about-this smell starts billowing from the grill.

By the end of the second week, still pointing this hairy game of chicken directly at my temple, sparks are flying and there is a great risk my hair and quite possibly any loose clothing will eventually catch on fire.

I use the appliance for just two days after that because I really want to get my money’s worth.

It’s during these two days, no children are allowed in the bathroom and the hair dryer isn’t drying so much as it is puffing the letters W….T…..F in black clouds, circling my head in the form of a dunce cap.

Yesterday was that final day and yet by the time I had loaded Chloe into the car to run some errands, I had completely forgotten I should pick up a new hair dryer. Thank you hat season, thank you.

We walked into Canadian Tire and one of the loss leaders at the front entrance was a bin of hair dryers.

Just as I went to pick one up, Chloe begged, “Mommy, can I please have this purple hair dryer? Please Mommy, I’ll be so good in this store and any other store we go to. Please?”

I am not one to cave when my kids beg for things in stores but I saw an opportunity to ease my shopping woes and I took it.

The hair dryer was on sale for $12.99. Just an aside, never pay more than 90% off the regular ticketed price at Canadian Tire. If you do, do not look at Friday’s flyer because whatever you bought will be discounted by anywhere from 90-99%, sometimes just being handed out free by parent volunteers at the door.

Me: Well I’m not sure about this Chloe. Do we really need a new hair dryer?

Chloe: Well, I’ll take very good care of it and you can paint my fingers and then we can use the hair dryer to dry them.

Me: That does sound like a good idea but you have stay with Mommy and the cart at all times and when it’s time to leave, you can’t make a fuss.

Chloe carried that purple hair dryer box around the store like it was a new baby. She stroked the box, hugged it, commenting several times that it was so beautiful and purple.

Christmas came early for Mommy this year.

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