Feather Collection….

I found a container with a few, small feathers while cleaning out my closet this morning.

It had a lid, it was one of my kitchen, food containers. A container I probably looked for a dozen times then blamed one of the kids for forgetting to bring it home from school.

It never occurred to me to ask, “Hey did anyone use that Glad kitchen container with the blue lid to store their feathers?”

I wondered (only briefly) if my husband was into some sort of feather fetish or kitchen container fetish but quickly dismissed that when Ellie (our seven year old) looked at the container like she had just been reunited with a long lost friend. A friend she hadn’t seen in a couple of years whose identity had changed slightly. She knew they were connected in some way but it took her a minute to remember exactly how.

She examined the outside of the container closely.

My feathers!!!!

Ellie, what are you doing with these?

“Oh, I used to pull the pokey ones out of my pillow at night and in the morning I would come and put them in the container.”

The feather collection clearly didn’t hold her interest and she never did explain why she had them hidden in my closet.

There may have only been about 9 in total.

Just enough to make it weird.

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