
My parents recently spent some time babysitting our three girls while Greg and I went on our annual gay cruise four day weekend away.

Besides the obvious, our hair-cuts, the girls have pointed out two unbelievable differences between my Mother and me and couldn’t wait to sit me down to express their concern over our very different approaches to parenting.

  1. Gummy bears.

Kids: Mommy, you know how when we have gummy bears, like never and we ask you for them and you always say no, like always, (they couldn’t have stressed this point enough—never any gummy bears, always denied when there are, which is never) but then when you do say yes, we always get four? Four gummy bears right? That’s what we get?

Long pause. Deep breath. I could tell this was going to be earth shattering.

Kids: Well Grandma only gives us one!

That’s my Mom.

  1. Sandwiches.

Kids: You know how when you make us a sandwich, you use one piece of bread, you spread the stuff on it, either peanut butter or meat or something (I don’t ever recall spreading meat but I nod along because I’m really tired and craving gummy bears….four gummy bears) and then you cut the bread in half and put one of the pieces on top of the other piece?

I hope this picks up.

Kids: Well Grandma, your Mom (they emphasized Mo-om) FOLDS the bread in half. She doesn’t cut it, folds it!

Three gummy bear difference, cutting vs. folding? Who was this person?

For the first time in my life, I thought I might have been adopted.

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