The Hardest Job….

For my stay-at-home Mom friends.

You wanted a corner office. You got it.

Every corner. Every dust filled, my- vacuum-attachment-doesn’t-reach-that-angle, corner.

You wanted co-workers to have coffee with.

The tea is make believe.

You wanted a boss who was reasonable and fair.

You got fall on the floor in a puddle of tears, tantrums.

You wanted to wear tailored suits with crisp white shirts.

White has been banned from your work-place due to the high risk for stains.

You wanted to “do lunch” and discuss world issues.

You eat grilled cheese and mini-muffins and have recurring conversations about why some boogers don’t come out easily while others just do.

You wanted sleep.


You haven’t worn make-up since a wedding you attended 8 months ago.

Your former French manicure has been replaced with a different bright polish on alternating nails, all of which is covered in glitter.

Your jewellery is now made up almost entirely of elastic bands.

Over-the-top client requests have been replaced with incessant, mind numbing, “Can we get a dog?”

You used to get your hair designed at the salon.

You get told you would look beautiful if you would just pull all of your hair in front of your face.

You used to have two eyebrows.

Now there’s only one.

You used to go to the gym to work-out.

Your work-outs now include playing horsey ride with a child on your back and eating apples out of their hand.

You wanted to build something new, innovative, ground breaking.

You work on a 25 piece puzzle of a dolphin wearing a tiara over and over and over and over.

You wanted to get away from the four stall ladies room at the office.

You got fingers under your bathroom door and kids climbing in the tub with you.

You used to think all of those other things mattered.

You used to measure success by how much money someone paid you.

You wanted to be a part of something special, something bigger than all of us.

You wanted to take something on in the early stages and watch it grow into something amazing.

You got it.

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