Message From Santa….

Chloe received an exciting video from Santa (I opted for the free version which has some limitations if you have more than one child).

Thankfully, she made the “Nice” list despite the tiny dial struggling to get off the “Naughty” side of the scale, the suspense nearly killed us both. I’m embarrassed to admit there was a split second I feared some disgruntled tech-elf on their last day with the company might just want to ruin Christmas for everyone.

If Chloe didn’t believe in the magic of Christmas before watching her video message, she certainly does now.

Enter seven year old big sister.

Ellie: Why is Santa saying the exact same thing to me that he said to Chloe in her video message?

(See above, free version)

Ellie: Hey, that’s my picture from Life Saving this summer!

Ellie: Why would he say I should try to be nice to my sisters? I’m always nice to them. He should be saying that to Hanna! Where’s her video. Seriously, I’m always nice. He’s going to say that.

(Not likely, he’s probably going to say something about learning to play the flute but that’s a total guess)

Ellie: That elf is doing the exact same thing, giggling at the screen. The same exact thing that she did in Chloe’s video message. Can you rewind?

Ellie: Why did he say I asked for a doll for Christmas? I don’t want a doll. I want a camera.

(Dear makers of American Girl dolls, what is your return policy?)

Ellie: Has Hanna’s video arrived yet? I want to see hers.

Me: No, not yet. On an unrelated note, Mommy has to get her credit card and needs a few minutes alone on the computer.

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