
Usually after having a birthday, I like to reflect on the highlights of the year before and focus on the exciting year ahead.

I found myself in Bulk Barn (my favourite location for self-reflection) loading up on supplies to make some coconut, chocolate balls (with chia seeds so you can eat as many as you want because they’re good for you).

I was scanning the tops of the aisles for signs leading me to Medjool dates when I ran into a neighbour.

She asked how my summer was going and I explained we had been busy hosting a couple of events, the kids were involved in some activities, we had been away at a couple of cottages.

Then as I twisted the shredded coconut bag, I asked how her summer was going.

She said she had just returned from volunteering at a camp for a week (an eight hour drive away) that helps women with physical disabilities.

I nodded as though I could totally relate to wonderful people who give of themselves while looking for the dark, chocolate cocoa powder.

She said she had a favour to ask.

She wanted to know if I would mind watering two of her plants as she was packing to leave for another camp. This one helped children and babies whose mothers were in prison.

Okay, but that might cut into my baking time.

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