An Overtired Chloe….

In a bold parenting move, I agreed to let the kids stay up and watch The Big Bang Theory last night.

I can’t explain why this seemed like the world’s best idea at the time but let’s just say it did.

I think the kids enjoy watching Greg and I unwind and laugh so they laugh along too even though, for the most part, they have little to no understanding what any of it means. If they go to school and repeat some Scientific code, it can only be endearing to their peers. If they repeat something Penny and Leonard do in the bedroom, I’ll be expecting a phone call from the office.

I knew it was a mistake letting Chloe stay up until 8:30pm but if this winter doesn’t end soon, I will be letting my kids do a lot more than stay up an hour past their usual bedtime.

The first clue was Chloe being physically unable to get herself down the hall to brush her teeth. She asked to be carried and I told her if she was big enough to stay up late, she was big enough to walk herself.

Enter big sister Hanna who agreed to drag Chloe by the wrists down the hall to bed. I gave my nod of approval.

Chloe then fake-brushed her teeth. I know this because her toothbrush had been turned on but no toothpaste made it off of the brush into her mouth. It’s a trick perfected by her sisters. My question is, if you’re going to go through the motions of turning on the electric toothbrush so it sounds like you’re brushing your teeth, how much harder is it to raise it eight inches so it reaches some or all of your mouth?

Things went downhill from there—and quickly.

Chloe started jumping on her bed, an exercise enjoyed by no one, including a very overtired little girl who was one missed bounce away from slamming her head into the wall.

She wouldn’t settle down.

I called out from the next room, “Time for bed Chloe or I’ll have to take pink fuzzy away.” (Pink fuzzy is her most cherished blanket)

Zombie-Chloe walked towards me wearing pink fuzzy like an invisible cape.

She tossed it at my feet and said, “You want it. YOU CAN HAVE IT!”

Then she stormed off to bed only to return three minutes later in tears, “Well if you want me to go to sleep, you’re going to have to give me back pink FUZZY!”

(I never took it)

I gave her a hug and told her she was going to be very tired for school in the morning if she didn’t get some sleep.

“Well that’s what I want. Being tired for school is better than being not tired because you can lie down on the mat if you want.”

Good luck today teachers. I hope there’s a warm, fuzzy spot for Chloe on the mat.

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