Fit Bit….

One of my kids casually told me yesterday, “So, I need a Fit Bit.”

Um, what?

“I need to get a Fit Bit. Can you get me one today when I’m at school? My friends have them.”

Who said she could have friends?

So without being too judgemental and not knowing any specifics I tried to come up with a reason that any of these “friends” would own a Fit Bit.

My ideas included things like, “Maybe a Doctor told them this would be a great way to encourage more activity with visual results. Kids really love to visualize.”

I thought perhaps one (or many, though when my kids say things like “My friends all have them” they usually mean they overheard that someone three friends removed may or may not have access to something) parent had won a Fit Bit say as a prize at a golf tournament and the kid said, “Can I have this?” The parent who is already active, hence all the golfing thought “Well I guess it would be better that someone uses it than no one at all.”

Or maybe they found a Fit Bit on the street. Someone was walking and counting their steps and spiked it on the ground, “Damn you Fit Bit for making me walk even when it’s windy and raining! This is where I take my life back!”

In any case, I’m not buying my daughter a Fit Bit. If she wants to know how many steps she takes every day, it’s more than a gaggle but less than google.

I told her if she really wanted to use one she could phone a friend.

She thought about it for a minute, “Mom, can we get a trampoline? My friends have them.”


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