
Garden Envy….

I’m feeling a little pressure.

I always feel this way when the first beautiful blooms start appearing around the neighbourhood and our first batch of dandelions reach about the 2 foot tall mark.

Everyone is doing yard work and I don’t know where to begin.

I went for a walk and saw our neighbours are putting in new windows, two doors down a new roof, someone is installing underground sprinklers and “Landscape Lighting” while another is removing a stone fountain depicting naked characters from the movie Elf spitting water at each other. I actually don’t know who the characters are or what they are depicting. I just know fountains aren’t for everyone.

It’s all about the mulch.

The common thread in all of these projects that has me feeling envious and makes me feel like I have to get out into my garden and at the very least put on a visor and a pair of gloves, hands on hips, refillable water bottle at the ready and pretend to be contemplating some master plan to be unveiled at a date yet to be determined, when you least expect it and visors are a thing of the past is….mulch.

Greg called me into his office the other day with some exciting news, “Hey, Costco is selling rubber mulch.”

Not really news worthy of removing my visor but I was certainly intrigued.

“Rubber mulch.”

Okay, yep, that’s what I heard.

So my garden will smell like a tire yard? What about those tire fires? Wouldn’t rubber mulch catch on fire or melt together in a giant rubber garden clump? (Though that might be our only chance at choking out the weeds)

Greg is always looking for an easy way out. Apparently rubber mulch lasts well, for as long as it takes to catch on fire I guess so there’s no need to top up the wooden kind from one year to the next.

Sometimes Greg has some really great, think-outside-the-box, solid ideas.

Rubber mulch wasn’t one of them.

I ordered five yards of regular mulch and have started sprinkling it around my gardens like a visor-wearing pixie.

I think this year, Dollarama gloves on hand, I’m going to achieve some pretty great things outside.

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