Putting All My Cards On The Table….

My five year old asked me if I would play cards with her.

This can mean any number of games that requires the use of cards.

It can mean a five year’s old take on the classic war, it can mean building a card pyramid, it can mean writing a card to an imaginary friend.

In yesterday’s game, Chloe and I played a form of ‘Go Fish’ where Chloe would ask me if I was holding any random card that may or may not have been in her hand, then she would shout something close to “Go Fish!” before I could answer and she would walk away and start working on a puzzle.

The TSN turning point for me was when we decided to flip random cards and see whose card held a higher value.

After debating why seven was actually higher than six she still wasn’t convinced. She held firm on her argument that her six of hearts was higher than my seven of clubs because her six was “rounder” and hearts meant love. A solid point.

Just before things turned sour when an ace was flipped she looked me in the eyes and said, “Do you know what you would die without?”


No, what?


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