
My kids don’t understand the concept of being quiet when others are trying to rest.

Sure it’s funny in the middle of the day when Greg says, “I’m just going to have a quick nap on the couch so everyone, try to be…..” And then someone throws some Monopoly pieces at his face while another fits him for a Rainbow Loom sleep mask.

It’s just such a foreign idea to our kids.

Why would they be quiet when someone else is sleeping if they are already up?

We try to speak quietly when one person has to wake up early for work or an early morning activity in the hopes the kids will mimic our actions. Strangely, their little voices go from sleep to megaphone with just the opening of their eyes.

Don’t expect any tip-toeing around our house either.

Hanna woke up early this morning and it sounded not just like a herd of elephants walking down the hall but the entire Serengeti out for a brisk walk.

She brought her toothbrush to a bathroom down the hall away from those who were still sleeping so they wouldn’t hear the gentle buzz of the device.

Sadly, she thought nothing of slamming the door to ensure total privacy but not before shouting, “I closed the door so no one would hear my toothbrush!”

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