The Feel Good Book….

Things are changing around our house.

The changes are subtle but they’re changes nonetheless.

I haven’t folded any laundry in a while as that is Hanna’s job but before you shed any tears for poor, put upon Hanna, you should know that is really her one and only job around here. Pretty cheap rent I’d say.

I picked up one of Chloe’s shirts last night and realized for the first time in eleven years, we don’t have any shirts small enough to fold just once in half. Chloe now gets the flat fold where you tuck the short sleeves behind the shirt and then in half again. I was happy to see a puffy cupcake decal on it and a cute interpretation of a recipe for making adorable, baked goods by using human characteristics, but things are definitely changing.

I realize this is a silly thing to spend any time giving any thought to and even more bizarre that I would write about it but it made me realize, my kids are growing–and quickly.

We watched a family movie and as is our ritual during the final credits, the kids line up and we take turns doing a series of freelance dance moves. The kids each end their routine by being dipped by me.

Except last night when Ellie dove backwards for her dip, I’m pretty sure I dislocated my shoulder.
Then Hanna asked to be dipped but when she stands on the ottoman, I am dwarfed in her shadow and dipping her is like holding a solid, metal post. When did she get this tall and muscular?

Then last night, Chloe and I were reading Todd Parr’s “The Feel Good Book” in her bed. Well, I was reading while Chloe was combing my hair so that my retinas were entirely covered in hair making it impossible to see the words. Thankfully, I have them almost all memorized.

“It feels good to share my treats with a new friend. “

“It feels good to eat carrots with a bunny.”

“It feels good to comb your hair with a lion.”

Hanna was standing in the doorway. While I couldn’t see her through the nest of hair now enveloped by both nostrils, I felt her presence. She poked her head into the room and whispered, “It feels good when Mom comes into my room every morning and says ‘Good morning darling, I love you.’”

And then she was gone.

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