
It was time the new mini-van had a thorough vacuuming and cleaning as it had been a couple of months since we purchased it and it had not seen so much as a spritzing since that day.

The mini-van cleaning could have been its own mini-episode of Hoarders showcasing the myriad of cracker crumbs, Cheerios ground into a fine powder, juice box straw wrappers and strange collections of Dove poof sponges dangling like beaded curtains between the girl’s seats.

I decided to attack the piles of red doll hair first. Seemed appropriate as I’m sure the doll had to have been attacked by a herd of wildebeests to suffer so much hair loss.

I backed into the garage paying close attention to the left door and mirror, meaning, I paid no attention to the right door and mirror. Just before beheading the right mirror, I came to an abrupt stop and that is where the cleaning would commence.

Where is this doll and how is she not bald?

Why do I allow my children to eat food in the car?

What promotional basket of poofs did Hanna steal these sponges from?

On a positive note, I found some spare change. I know it was mine to begin with but it’s more exciting when you wedge your hair covered hand under a child’s car-seat and emerge with a Cheerio-encrusted twoonie.

Here’s hoping there will be no more surprises…..

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