
Ellie asked me to play a new board game with her today called Pictureka!

She got out the sharp kitchen scissors, the ones that cause me to suck air in through my teeth as she fumbles them towards her victim. She cut just about everything in the room aside from the packaging on the box she was so determined to open and ordered me to fetch the popcorn.

Confused, I asked her why she would expect to be served popcorn as though this was a family ritual and I shouldn’t need to be reminded the popcorn popping is my job despite the 8:45am mid-breakfast request.

She flipped the box over with a “DUH!” look on her face and flashed the picture of the family playing Pictureka! the bowl of popcorn propped in the bottom corner. A sound strategy from a four year old with little interest in learning a new game but a dangerous obsession with early morning popcorn.

I was quick to point out the age requirement for Pictureka! was 6+ so if she would overlook the popcorn, I would lift the age discrimination clause and we could get started.

Let the games begin.

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