Top 10 Ways My Bathroom Habits Have Changed Since Having Kids….

  1. Nobody ever crammed their fingers under the closed bathroom door before there were kids in this house.
  2. I had never heard a running commentary while peeing in a public bathroom with questions involving curiosity about hair placement and the human body, or debates over why one chooses to hover over the bowl vs sit directly on it.
  3. I had never heard a running commentary given by the person having a movement including a description of how many pushes it will take to squeeze out a poop along with groaning and breath holding for drama.
  4. I had never stood in the bathroom at a restaurant in an attempt to change a poopy baby and had no choice but to roll, tie and bury the smell of Huggies wrapped feces in the garbage can, emerging soaked with sweat.
  5. Before you judge me for a) eating out with a baby and b) leaving a soiled diaper behind, I had never felt guilty about eating out before and further, would it kill them to stick a diaper genie in the corner?
  6. I had never had the urge to pee simply by recognizing the international symbol for ladies room and been dragged into every public restroom on the planet.
  7. I had never had to excuse myself during a meal to pee more than four times.
  8. I had never asked a person over and over and over again if they had to pee before leaving the house and been told “no” and finding myself in the grocery store bathroom with a cart full of food unattended in the hall because someone couldn’t make it five minutes after leaving the house.
  9. I had never been told by a person that they didn’t have to pee, then when encouraged to “try” heard them chip the bowl from the force with which the urine emerged.
  10. I had never considered writing a strongly worded letter to those retailers and restaurants who spent time placing cheeky, unrecognizable symbols on their doors after a confused child with a wet pant leg couldn’t find the cartoon lady with the skirt.

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