You’ve Come A Long Way Baby….

Three Story-time classes complete and our turtle is starting to come out of her shell.

We met once again in the basement of the library. Stressed, overtired parents, sipping copious amounts of coffee sitting in a circle of folding chairs. Wait—that might have been an AA meeting.

Week 1—Chloe was forcing both fists as far down her throat as she could get them, wrapping her fingers around her tonsils just shy of gagging herself where her hands remained parked the entire first session.

She refused participation in any sing-song or dance-related activity. She balked at the basket of teddy bears, musical instruments and only if I chose the book, held it and forcibly, rubbed her elbow on the kittens’ fur (no access to hands) would she have any part of the pop-up story. When I attempted to make a purring sound while rubbing the kitten, she made an exaggerated effort to shove her elbow through the hole in the book ruining it for kitten loving generations to come.

Week 2—she was now saying the instructor’s name at home. While it wasn’t necessarily always in a sweet way when reminded of the time she got to know her fists intimately, it came out much like Seinfeld’s “Newman!” but she remembered Miss Helen’s name and wasn’t immediately chewing fingers when she heard it, progress.

She did bring along fifteen dolls, plush toys and plastic noise makers of her own for week two. Perhaps as a means to avoid picking up unwanted germs which I have to say, is refreshing so I allowed it. Maybe it was a you-play-with-your-stuff-and-I’ll-play-with-mine and we’ll all be fine type of gesture.

Bubbles were being blown to music and landing magically on the carpet and folding chairs. Chloe would squint her eyes together either to deny herself the joy of their wonderment or to pretend they were stinging her eyeballs in an effort to shut down the bubble making.

Week 3—Much the same as weeks 1 & 2 with a step backwards anytime someone new entered the room. I’m beginning to sense I have a child who likes order, routine, elbows and fists and under dislikes; cat fur, germs, unpredictable bubble landings.

Week 4—Major improvement. Sure she yelled, “TOO LOUD!” every time we sang a soft lullaby and after swinging at one or two bubbles floating through the room decided she could pop a lot more if she just shoved her finger right through the bubble maker hole before Miss Helen ever had the chance to blow into it. An amazing discovery for a child not yet two—treat the problem (bubble juice) not the symptom (airborne bubbles).

She rocked back and forth on my lap a bit. It wasn’t to the rhythm of the song but it wasn’t an antsy potty dance either. Somewhere in the middle, she was finding her groove and allowing herself to ease into the group.

Unfortunately, next week will likely be her best. It also happens to be, graduation day.

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