How To Know If I’m Raising A Baby Hoarder….


  1. She layers all of her clothing, regardless of seasonal appropriateness, almost always several pants followed by shorts followed by feather boas—check.
  2. She wears a bathing suit over her clothing while in the viewing room of her sister’s swimming lessons, not ever touching the water herself—check.
  3. She sleeps with every blanket that will fit in her crib and immediately removes them one by one through the bars in the morning, to drag them behind her down the hall—check.
  4. She relocates stacks of books and piles them in book mountains in every corner of the house–check
  5. She delights in jumping in a laundry basket regardless of clothing being clean or soiled, as long as she’s totally enveloped in the chaos—check.
  6. She tucks marker lids under her chin, careful not to let anyone else potentially clean up while creating no-neck masterpieces—check.
  7. She pulls shoes from various closets and not unlike book mountain makes neighbouring shoe avalanches–check.
  8. She says the word “Mine!” in a mostly confrontational way and a disproportionate number of times compared to the few other words and phrases she utters including; “give it to me now,” “hey, that’s Chloe’s,” and “more piles”—check.
  9. Before we can sit down at the dinner table, she’s scooped all the forks and crafted a pyramid of gnarled metal. Fingers steepled, she grins at yet another pile—check.
  10. Pyjamas—see above clothing application—check.
  11. She is a collector of loose knobs and the dome-shaped bolt covers found at the bottom of most toilets (just not ours)–check.
  12. Hoarder? Or does she have piles?

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