Movie Night….

I wasn’t planning to divulge all of the secrets of my marriage but I have a confession to make. Sometimes when Greg and I are trying to choose a movie to watch, we, um, argue.
There are many factors at play during our discussion;
1. We don’t have many opportunities to watch a movie when it’s just the two of us so we want to be sure the next hour and a half is going to entertain, engage, make us laugh, take us on an emotional roller coaster, ask us to look at ourselves as people and question what life is all about and not have any sharks.
2. We want something current so we can seem as though we can communicate on a human level to other adults if “The Fighter” with Marky-Mark of the Funky Bunch somehow squirms its way into conversation, which by the way, we both highly recommend we can participate in a thoughtful discussion.
3. When it’s “Family Movie Night” the choices are simple; Tangled (Chloe’s vote!) Dispicable Me (Hanna’s vote!), “Anything the group would like as long as we’re all together” (Ellie’s vote).
4. Netflix, Apple TV’s and ipad streaming (Greg will laugh at my attempt at using the word “streaming” as I really have no idea if it’s within context) have given us too many choices.
I google “Oscar Nominated Movies” by year and try to find something we can both agree on.
Greg is set on True Grit but eventually says, “I’ll watch anything you want honey.”
So I throw out, “Prince of Tides” and “Fried Green Tomatoes” just to see if he’s paying attention.
“Within reason,” is his predictable response.
He became intrigued at the list of documentaries and I just wanted something that would keep me awake.
When he suggested, “Mrs. Wonton?” we knew we were in trouble.

We watched two back-to-back episodes of The Big Bang Theory and promised to give this whole movie night concept some serious thought.
It’s actually nice that this is one of our biggest problems.

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