
Sometimes when I’m this cold, I’m in an all day, full body brain freeze and I find it difficult to come up with something to write.

My kids usually come home with a couple of good stories from school and I was anxious to hear anything to clear the image Chloe had planted in my head when she said, “Mommy, I’m going to have a date with a cute boy in my bedroom.”

Ellie’s teacher was sick yesterday and she was told by the supply teacher that her teacher was in so much pain, it was worse than childbirth. That struck me as an odd bit of information to share with six year olds, especially given my six year old doesn’t see childbirth so much as painful as an interesting type of sit-up where a baby pops out of your belly button.

Chloe played into the madness by thanking me for clearing her lunch dishes away and then quickly saying, “You’re a loser Mom.”


So when the girls got to their swim practice, I guess I was looking for inspiration and thought I had found it in an unlikely conversation.

I asked the girls if their coaches spoke to the team about the amazing efforts by everyone at the swim meet on the weekend.

Ellie told me about a coach who stood in front of the group, asked for everyone’s attention and held up three different items.

They began with one, grey t-shirt with the team logo on it.

Hmm I thought. Maybe it represented unity, friendship, how even though the kids went to the meet as individuals, they left as friends.

The second item was a red towel.

Ah, I figured the towel represented the comfort of being wrapped in the warmth of an entire team’s support.

Lastly, the coach held up a blue backpack.

Has to symbolize the journey. Bags are always about the journey. Where did we come from? Where are we headed? We pack an empty bag full of hopes and dreams and we come home with it full of great accomplishments.

I was eager for Ellie to tell me what it all meant and more importantly, how she interpreted the coach’s words.

Ellie: They were left at the meet. Someone turned them in and the coach wanted to know who they belonged to.

I’m in desperate need of a thaw.

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