Lost & Found & Lost….

My kids have been losing a lot of things lately.

Ellie lost her purple, hooded, GAP sweatshirt and claimed to have searched the school Lost & Found bins but to no avail.

I went to the school, glanced at the bins and found it.

We agreed I should tie the hood almost closed around her face leaving just an air hole indefinitely.

Hanna lost her water bottle at swimming but, “Don’t worry Mom. I can just use yours.”

Ellie then left her winter coat on the bus.

I didn’t even notice her exit the bus without a jacket because she was dragging so many other things, including her 3 year old sister who had fallen asleep in her seat before Ellie attempted to throw her over her shoulder and lead her to safety.

“Would you rather I carried my coat, or Chloe?!”

Point taken.

Chloe loses her hair elastics every day.

I suspect the janitorial staff has created an awesome new game called, “fling the elastics” with the millions and MILLIONS of colourful elastics she’s left behind. If they haven’t, they should. It’s probably how the Rainbow Loom got started.

Ellie lost her purple, hooded, GAP sweatshirt again.

Note to self–tie hood tighter next time.

I bought Hanna a new pair of fall gloves. She returned home from school after wearing them for one day with just the right hand covered. When I asked her where the left glove was she stared at her cold, bare hand, frozen in the shape of a claw, confused. Hypothermia had set in and distorted her memory.

“Oh, I must have lost it….but it’s okay, I can just wear yours.”

The bus driver pulled up to our house dangling Ellie’s winter coat out the driver’s side window.

She was right, I would so much rather the coat dangling out of a bus than my three year old.

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