Silver Lining….

I could look at some of the unfortunate moments of my morning in a couple of ways.

For starters, I dropped my tea as I was walking into the garage to take Chloe to preschool. It spilled mostly on my shoe, soaking then burning my foot and the rest splattered all over the garage floor.

I was running behind so I had to leave the garage looking like a crime scene (a warm, delicious crime scene) and grabbed the first pair of shoes (Crocs) I could reach inside the door.

I could say that leaving the garage the way I did and having to wear summer, gardening shoes to preschool followed by my swimming class was a rotten way to start my day and a sign of more bad things to come.

Instead, I’m going to think of the tea spill as a great opportunity for me to clean up the garage when Chloe naps and the Crocs as a symbol that I’m not afraid to embrace spring. I think the burning of the snow pants over the weekend would have accomplished the same goal in a more dramatic way, but Crocs work too.

Then after my swimming lesson, I zipped into the grocery store for a couple of items before heading to the preschool to pick up Chloe. When I returned to the minivan, I noticed the face cream I had dabbed in a cross pattern on my face in the locker room was still very much intact; five white patches—one on my forehead, both cheeks, my chin and nose. Hmmm.

While people might have wondered why I appeared to be covering chicken pox or any number of communicable diseases, I hope others might have seen it as a tribute to those who make a cross pattern in and around their faces when they pray. Perhaps I’ve started a trend. Also, it was a great distraction from my soaking wet hair and off-season choice in shoes, now totally frost covered.

I arrived at the preschool with damp hair but not the wash-and-wear kind of hair-cut one can pull off when their hair is damp. Think my hairdryer died mid-cycle and the cream on my face looks like a lost symbol from the Da Vinci Code.

Chloe ate all of the avocado out of my salad.

She needs the healthy fats.

Greg made a change on the PVR and we no longer have any episodes of the Big Bang Theory.

More time for reading!

My computer just froze and shut down for no reason.

Time to clean the garage!

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