
Bag of Oranges….

Chloe asked me to stop at the grocery store to pick her up a bag of oranges.

In the category of Chloe’s strangest requests, this doesn’t even make the chart.

Without asking why, I pulled into the grocery store parking lot and she mentioned her teachers had brought oranges into class to try and she loved them.

Oh sure, when someone else offers them….

This was one of those times I wanted to write a letter to the school, “Dear Teachers, I do give my kids fruit daily despite their complete denial and game they like to play where they pretend they’ve never had any.”

She explained that she didn’t eat the strawberries (of course not, I’ve never given her any) but she did try the plums and really, really loved the oranges.

She also told me I should let her drink more orange juice but I explained eating an orange was a much healthier way to get her Vitamin C, then it occurred to me someone in the class was suffering from scurvy and they all worried it could be contagious.

We brought the oranges home and she ate one quickly and asked me to peel a second. That poor scurvy-kid must have really had a bad day.

Chloe said she had to eat five oranges.

I went about my usual cleaning, dinner prep and let her go to town.

The next day, another parent told me the class was reading Eric Carle’s Very Hungry Caterpillar and eating the foods the caterpillar was eating.

Maybe I’m the one with scurvy.

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