Birthdays Then & Now….

Ellie, our seven year old is working on a Family Tree project to present to her grade two class.

Part of the assignment includes having the kids discuss a family tradition/celebration and how it has changed over time from one generation to the next.

Ellie chose to talk about how her Great Grandmother might have celebrated her birthday as a young girl which according to my Mom was with a biscuit. The end.

Our kids realize how extremely lucky they are to celebrate their birthdays with so much more than a biscuit, some years they might get two or even three biscuits. Maybe even a biscuit with a candle in it.

Kids today wouldn’t be content without a private tour of the biscuit factory on the back of a chocolate unicorn, while drinking Gatorade (enough with the Gatorade!) through a licorice straw with their favourite celebrity texting them and their friends singing Happy Birthday acapela as they add Skittles and Smarties to random batches of cotton-candy flavoured biscuits prior to jumping into a stadium filled with a trampoline maze.

It happens that Ellie’s birthday is fast approaching and we asked her how she would like to celebrate.

Please say biscuit…please say biscuit.

Ellie: I think I want something simple. Could you take me to see a filming of my favourite tv show, you can choose which one, surprise me and then let me meet the stars and be in a scene with them?

As I turned to put my apron and baking supplies back in the cupboard…

Ellie: Okay, if that doesn’t work, could I maybe be in a music video with a singer? Not Katy Perry because I know she’s really busy but maybe the people who sing “What Does The Fox Say?”

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