It Has Come To This….

This morning I pulled into the garage after a coffee run and I noticed something out of place.

There was a rock on top of an envelope to keep it from blowing away at our side door.

I drove as close as I could (without hitting the garage door) trying not to panic, reaching as far over as possible with my head out the window (careful not to behead myself) trying to read what was on the envelope.

All this while remaining calm so as not to alarm Chloe who had accompanied me on the journey in her most fabulous gown and long-sleeved shirt with dogs on it.

I closed the garage door, took a deep breath and slowly made my way into the house.

If I pick up the envelope, is it sending a message to the person(s)who put it there that I’m now home and they can continue to execute on their plan?

Or was the signal, if the envelope is picked up, they were to abort the mission?

The specifics of the mission were not yet clear to me.

One thing was clear.

I have been taking the show Homeland very, very seriously.

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