Giving Back….

We have always tried to teach our kids how important it is to give back.

This is not an easy concept for Chloe who will be hosting her first charity-esque birthday party to celebrate her sixth birthday. Instead of coming home with a thousand presents from her friends and classmates, she will receive one group gift and donate some money to a charity.

It’s a start.

We try to talk to the kids about how lucky we are to live in Canada and to never take for granted all of the amazing things we have access to each and every day.

With Remembrance Day fast approaching, it was time for another life lesson and it happened in of all places, the change room at a swimming lesson.

One of the little girls in Chloe’s swim group was talking about how she plans to donate her hair so it can be used to make a wig for someone who doesn’t have hair.

Chloe seemed absolutely appalled by the idea of wearing someone else’s hair but when we explained what a beautiful, selfless gesture this girl was making, something seemed to connect with her.

The mother of the little girl turned to Chloe and said, “I know you have a special swim meet for your group coming up and you’ve done one before. Would you help my daughter and tell her where she should go?”

Chloe smiled, shyly almost and said, “No. I think it’s important that she does it on her own. Also, I want to beat her.”

Baby steps.

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