
Natural Delivery….

Well my five year old has been giving her teachers something to chuckle about, it seems almost daily.

It has become clear, my life’s greatest achievement is sending a pint-sized comic into a kindergarten classroom to bring everyone a smile—you’re welcome world.

Yesterday, Greg was dropping Hanna and Ellie off at school after their dental appointments. You might ask why Chloe and I were not also visiting the Dentist on the same day but this would involve someone explaining the reason for a rotating schedule and not having all five of us in the building at once. I think it’s a safety issue like not having the President and VP flying on the same plane when the country is under attack. But maybe it’s just because we messed up at some point and we’ve been too lazy to correct it.

Greg noticed Chloe’s class returning from recess so he ducked his head in to say hello. Actually, from what I’m told he ran over and picked Chloe up from behind which could have landed him in a Mexican prison. Note to self—check parent handbook for “When is it appropriate to walk onto school grounds unannounced and lift a child in the air?” He has obviously found the loophole.

The teachers (as usual) were so kind and invited Greg in, to tour the classroom.

According to witness reports (when a strange man approaches the school yard and attempts to carry someone off there are a surprising number of witnesses) Chloe was so excited she hugged Greg and said, “Hey everyone, this is my real Dad.”

Then she added, “You know my birth Mother.”

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