Surprise Party….

I knew we were going to my hometown to celebrate my birthday but other than, “Wear something you will feel comfortable in,” I wasn’t given any hints as to location, details, food, friends, family, helipad landing, dolphin water-skiing course level or otherwise.

I knew my parents were babysitting all three kids so it was already shaping up to be the best birthday surprise in the history of birthday surprises.

Something I feel comfortable in. Comfortable say if I’m in a go-cart race? Or, comfortable as in, I’m going to be sitting in a theatre for three hours plus two intermissions? Or comfortable as in, pizza out of a box on someone’s basement floor next to a Twister mat and a karaoke machine?

Greg became tired of my questions but secretly, I think he loved this tortured character begging him for clues the entire drive to town. He was in a position of power and realized early on, the closer the day came, he was the guy holding the golden key to unlock this puzzle and loved the begging and pleading for morsels of information that only he could provide.

What did I learn about myself leading up to the surprise? I’m a terrible person to try to surprise. I had decided the “wear something comfortable” instructions were going to make me look like a schmuck regardless of how perfect the night ahead might be. I was going to hold it over his head until the next time he tried to suggest I wear something comfortable when I would remind him of this episode and how ridiculous I looked in my fuzzy sweatshirt and beer helmet while sipping champagne atop the VIP balcony cubby at the opera.

I became more CSI-like than I knew I could be. Watching with great interest as a car with Chicago license plates seemed to be tailing us a little too closely. It made the same three turns we did when we made it to town but surged forward just making the light leaving us to wait for the next green. This is going to be interesting. Will Chi-town pull over because part of the surprise today is entirely based on the two of us driving simultaneously first around the river and next to pick up a sandwich where I would find my first clue? Is Oprah in that car?

Then I saw a young couple with a baby in a stroller walking on the sidewalk. Why were they walking there? Why now? I’m sure I caught the father make eye contact with a car driving towards us and nod. This was most definitely an acknowledgement that the birthday girl had made it to town and car driving towards us can now meet up with Chicago license plate and start preparing for the next stage.

Stage! Are we seeing a play? I get it. Wear something comfortable.

After a swim at my girlfriend’s house who swore she was not available to join us for the evening and even claimed she had a dinner reservation at 8pm I told her I could easily verify and call the restaurant but that would be too easy. I guess dinner was at 8pm and it was with one of my best friends. That was easy and yes, it’ll be comfortable.

My other girlfriend also happened to be in town for something totally unrelated than birthday celebrating and would also be tied up for the evening. Right, she probably spent the morning putting Chicago license plates on her car just to throw me off the scent. Or maybe she was the baby in the carriage….I didn’t get a good look while trying to lip read what the Dad was saying during his cat-out-of-the-bag nodding episode.

To be continued….

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